
Posts Tagged ‘My Wana’

We all know that we are supposed to be drinking A LOT of water a day!

Photo by Lynn Kelley, Wana Commons

Photo by Lynn Kelley, Wana Commons

Actually, the discussion of just how much water you should drink will go differently depending on whom you talk to.  Some will say 64oz, others may say it depends on your height, weight and your goals.  What is for sure, with some exceptions, most of the world is drinking WAY TOO LITTLE water a day.

Here’s my first point……water is WATER!  It’s not but they use water to make the coke OR there’s so much water in that celery it must count for at least a glass.  NO, I’m so sorry but you are NOT ALLOWED to get caught up in that thinking.  Yes, there’s water in many of our fruits and vegetables, but, it’s not a replacement to drinking the water you should every day.  Consider the water within your food and herbal teas a bonus but, you’re still responsible for consuming the real deal every day!!

My next point….I know that many of you don’t like it.  You’d rather drink that coke, that unsweetened tea you feel like you’re doing so awesome by drinking, and not the coke (you are doing better than the coke but, I’m talking about water today) 😉  You need to try variations of the good stuff to find which way is the most palatable to you.  Get a new water bottle.  Try ice cold, room temperature, hot, through a straw, from a glass……You might be surprised at those little changes will go a long way to help you enjoy the water.  These days, there are SO MANY types of water bottles, that whatever your favorite way to drink your water, there will be a container to keep it that way all day long for you.

This is my beef *water fail*; when we go out to eat I want to order water.  It saves loads of money since beverages are all marked up so high and it’s the healthiest choice.  What totally sucks is when the water is NASTY!  This day in age, there is no reason we shouldn’t be able to have filtered water.  It really makes me angry if I’m in an upscale restaurant.  Seriously, I’m paying you $9 for a cup of soup and all I can get is water from the tap!?!!?  Even dive restaurants should be able to get a brita filter for their customers drinking water.

This is the deal….the pure water is essential to your wellbeing.  It’s crucial to flush toxins from your body.  A head of iceberg lettuce isn’t going to cut it.  If you’re ready to attack your water goals and stop being deficient in such an important element for your body, I implore to you follow Ginger Calem’s footsteps at Writer’s Butt and set a goal of 100oz a day.  Will you get that at first or even everyday after working towards it?….No, you will have days you fall short but, having that goal will insure that you get more than you would without a goal at all.  I promise your body will adjust and be grateful for all that h2o awesomeness that it’s been craving.

Ok, Analyze your drinking habits….no not the beer, wine and booze (that’s a different post) 😉 and tell me, do you think you’re drinking all you should?  Are you going to make a water goal?

** Thank you for taking time out of your life to hang with me a bit.  “like” and/or “share” my post so you get credit for you extra awesomeness** 🙂


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We live in a world where there are rules.  These are in place for a good reason most of the time.  Forgive this post as I rant on about a huge pet peeve of mine.

Why is it that when rules are laid out and clearly known, do some people choose to totally ignore them as if they don’t apply to them and just the entire rest of the population??

Yes, there is “NO PARKING” there because, if you park there NO ONE can drive through thanks to your car taking up the entire lane…..oh but please, do go ahead and park there anyway because, it’s somehow made your life easier.

I see that you have a “Handicap placard” hanging on your rearview mirror.  Funny that I see you bounding out of your vehicle only to grab a baby to throw on your hip and a toddler by the hand as you walk easily into the market.  I’ll let poor Joe know that although he’s in a wheelchair that he pulls out of his backseat and miraculously gets in all on his own, to fight his way inside, all the while his recycle bags are threatening to leap off his lap in the gusty wind…..that your need for the spot was greater than his.

Such a huge bummer that we’re in this major drought and all our lawns look brown and yucky. That only 2 days a week watering restriction doesn’t make many of us happy but, most of us are glad we still have water coming out of our faucets.  It’s interesting that Jack across the street has an amazingly plush green lawn with gorgeous seasonal blooms all over to adorn all his lovely yard statues.  It’s also interesting that when he throws on his head lamp every night to steal water in the stealthiest way possible, that he chooses to raise his head and shine his bright ass light into our window!

Honestly folks!!  Are people really that crass and full of themselves that they feel it’s totally ok to break the rules for their convenience or whenever the spirit moves them?  OR  Do they know it’s not okay, feel really guilty but, do it anyway hoping to do a bigger better good deed later to adjust their karma?  OR  Are they all insecure people that do these things to try and feel like a bad ass and look cool?  Please tell me because, for the life of me, I can’t stop myself from imagining myself walking up to them, looking them square in the eye and then **Flick** right in the middle of their forehead!

That said…..I realize there are times when rules are LAME!!  They can be archaic and so outdated the fact they’ve stayed that way this long is ridiculous.  I know that sometimes, there are emergencies and breaking a rule is necessary for the greater good in that moment.  I’m talking about the rules that are there for a very good damn reason!  “Yes, you idiot…..you should only put 1 quit smoking patch on your body at a time….by sticking 17 of them on and in your body, you have caused your body to go into total shock and it’s time to go to the hospital now.  Good news though….your room is non-smoking so your temptation won’t be in your face for the next 48hrs.” **True story from back in my medical days**

Do rule breakers make you MAD??  Are you a rule breaker and can share with me a perspective I clearly just don’t get?

I’m off to sleep now because, I’m supposed to get 8hrs of sleep ;o) Haha!

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