
Posts Tagged ‘massage’

Miss me??  Probably not but, please pretend, so I don’t cry my eyes out 😉  It’s been a bit of a soul searching summer for me.  Now I’m ready to roll out a new endeavor that will not only help me but, someone who’s very dear to my heart.

With this I’ll be implementing new changes in my own life but, also changes in someone else’s.  Hopefully, **all arrows point to a resounding WOOHOO!!** they will be very positive changes that will lead to much fuller and happier lives.  Here’s a look back at how in favor I am of change

I little side bar here to commend someone with their leap of faith.  Tameri Etherton showed how much of an inner goddess she has and the rockstar she is by throwing some ADORAZING fuchsia color in her hair.  I’m super proud of her and think she’s totally rocking her new look!  Her latest post is so funny about a massage gone all kinds of wrong.  Thankfully she shares her horrific experience in her glorious way producing some serious belly laughs for us all to start our week off great!

Hope your Monday didn’t give you a case of the “Maunday’s” and look forward to sharing more about our new endeavors later this week.

***Smile as much as you can and your day will always get better!!***

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